The conference excelled through outstanding talks and dynamic exchanges.
CSI 2024 brought together national and international specialists in the field of cluster-surface interactions. In the beautiful town of Bernried, 50 scientists came together for three days of presentations of cutting-edge research, scientific discussions, and exchange of ideas. A long-standing series of topical international conferences, this year’s focus was on cluster-surface interactions for energy applications with sessions on:
- Energy conversion and storage
- Exotic fundamental properties of clusters
- Thermal catalysis on clusters
- Dynamics of clusters
We thank all participants and the steering committee who made the conference a full success. Particular thanks go to our invited speakers who came from many different countries and enriched our conference with exciting topics:
- Scott Anderson, University of Utah
- Francesca Baletto, University of Milan
- Alessandro Baraldi, University of Trieste
- Albert Bruix, Universitat de Barcelona
- Lenard Carrol, IFF-CSIC
- Ib Chorkendorff, DTU
- Veronique Dupuis, Université Lyon
- Friedrich Esch, TU Munich
- Alessandro Fortunelli, CNR-ICCOM
- Sandra Gómez, University of Salamanca
- Bjørk Hammer, Aarhus University
- Ewald Janssens, KU Leuven
- Florian Kraushofer, TU Munich
- M. Arturo López-Quintela, University of Santiago de Compostela
- Atsushi Nakajima, Keio University
- Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
- Joanna Olszowka, J. Heyrovsky Institute
- Richard Palmer, Swansea University
- Maciej Rogala, University of Lodz
- Junjie Shi, TU Wien
- Emanuele Telari, Sapienza Università di Roma
- Marc Willinger, TU Munich
Some impressions of the conference: