Offers for teachers and students
The e-conversion Cluster of Excellence offers high school students a wide range of opportunities to actively participate in research. The program includes lectures and laboratory tours as well as workshops with hands-on experiments on the topics of energy conversion, climate change, renewable energies, batteries, thermodynamics, and photosynthesis. We are constantly developing new offers, just ask.
e-conversion wants to inspire young people, especially girls, to take an interest in the natural sciences and give them practical experience. The focus is on making research fun. This has now become a very large and active area of e-conversion’s public relations work. In addition to one- or multi-day workshops for school classes, this also includes longer-term offers for highly gifted children and holiday programs. For example, e-conversion offers research weeks for girls in the summer. Since e-conversion does not have its own school laboratory with permanent staff, the offers are usually carried out by doctoral students from the cluster. To achieve mutual synergy effects, e-conversion has joined as a member of Muc Labs e.V., an association of extracurricular learning locations in Munich and the surrounding area.
Offers during the school holidays

Photo: e-conversion
Together with other extracurricular learning locations, e-conversion organizes various programs during the Bavarian school holidays.
Registration takes place via the MUC-labs homepage:
e-conversion wins LernortLabor Award

Foto: Christoph Mischke, Göttingen
e-conversion won third prize in the LernortLabor Student Experiment of the Year category for its student project “Climate Change in a Teacup”!
e-conversion and the TUMjunior program

Susanne Bley/TUM
The TUMjunior project aims to arouse and develop interest and motivation in science and scientific work skills of students from the time they start high school up to the 10th level. TUMjunior systematically integrates existing extracurricular learning opportunities into regular lessons in cooperation with teachers and teams of scientists. The excursions to extracurricular learning locations are prepared and followed up accordingly in the school. The development of the teaching units and materials is based on the latest scientific findings on effective STEM teaching. The scientific support of TUMjunior examines the effects of the program on the competency level of scientific thinking and working methods as well as the motivation and learning behavior of the students in comparison to regular subject lessons. (Source: TUM)
Like real scientists: Exploring photosynthesis with e-conversion
As part of the TUMjunior program, 17 sixth-grade school classes are visiting e-conversion this spring. The students will spend a morning experimenting with aquatic plants like “real scientists” to research the optimal conditions for photosynthesis. They will also receive a special laboratory book so that they can accurately document and evaluate their research results.
Video: Facts about photosynthesis
In connection with the school program, the following film was created in which the e-conversion scientist Prof. Dario Leister from the Biology Department of the LMU answers questions about photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis:
Offers for particularly gifted children

Image: Stock
It is often not easy to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of particularly gifted children. That is why e-conversion wants to support young people in grades 7 to 11 with specially developed and age-dependent programs.
TUM Entdeckerinnen (female explorers)
e-conversion beteiligt sich im Sommer im Rahmen der TUM Entdeckerinnen an den zwei- bis viertägigen Mitmachkursen für Mädchen verschiedener Altersgruppen. Die jungen Forscherinnen werden an das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten herangeführt, dürfen selber kleine Experimente und kleine Forschungsprojekte durchführen und lernen die Arbeit unserer Wissenschaftlerinnen kennen.
In the summer, e-conversion is participating in the two- to four-day hands-on courses for girls of different age groups as part of the TUM Entdeckerinnen program. The young researchers are introduced to scientific work, are allowed to carry out small experiments and research projects themselves, and learn about the work of our scientists.
Experiments for home
Topic: Building a battery
For students:
Would you like to learn about the principle of a battery and build one yourself?
You can easily try out these experiments at home:
- The fruit battery (Instructions in German)
- The alminum air battery (Instructions in German)
- The cucumber battery (Instructions in German)
Send us a photo of your result and win an experiment kit on the topic of “Renewable Energies”!
A day as a scientist
Make a lamp light up with lemons? Generate electricity from potatoes? A group of students experienced how exciting experimenting with energy issues can be during their young researchers day at the e-conversion cluster.
„Ferien for the Future – Energie 22”
A project in context of „Aufholen nach Corona“ (Catching up after Corona) of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Developing scenarios for a better future and brushing up on your knowledge of physics and chemistry at the same time?
During the Bavarian Easter, Whitsun and summer holidays, e-conversion organized the interactive and participatory holiday program “Holidays for the Future” together with the Munich municipal energy supplier (Stadtwerke München) and the Deutsches Museum. For a week, students in grades 8 to 10 were able to deal intensively with the topics of energy and climate change in various workshops. Through excursions, workshops, their own experiments and discussions with scientists, the participants immersed themselves in the topic and were also able to get a taste of the world of science. Museum tours and power plant tours rounded off the program. In addition to the physical, chemical and technical basics, the social and economic implications of climate change and the energy transition were addressed. With this basis, future scenarios were developed in teams after the workshops, which were then presented to the public at a closing event in the Deutsches Museum.
Duration: 4 days (9:00 – 16:30 h)
Dates: 11. – 14. April 2022, 19. – 22. April 2022, 7. – 10. Juni 2022, 13. – 15. & 17. Juni 2022
Further Information:
Download flyer
Further offers by TUM and LMU
- TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology:
- Faculty of Physics LMU
- LMU ChemLab – Student lab of the LMU Chemistry Department:
Silke Mayerl-Kink
TU München
Lichtenbergstr. 4a
85748 Garching
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 52778
Muc Labs e.V. is the Association of Munich Student Laboratories (Verein Münchner Schülerlabore). e-conversion is one of the founding members and regularly offers events. Read more…