Symposium "Exploring New Horizons with Molecules on Surfaces"
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The two-day symposium offers a wide range of lectures on surface science,

Long Night of the Museums 2024
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Meet e-conversion at the Museum Mineralogia Munich.

Science Slam
Science comes to life! Experience the exciting insights from current research in our Science Slam.

Science Slam Workshops
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Improve your presentation skills with this workshops and you can be part of our Science Slam on 17 October.

e-conversion Conference 2024 in Venice
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Please register for our Cluster Conference together with CeNS in September 2024.

Munich Postdoc Night at Odeonsplatz
Showcase your Science at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW).

Landesgartenschau in Kirchheim
e-conversion is presenting itself in the pavilion of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment

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e-conversion offers vacation workshops for girls at the Garching research campus.

School vacations with e-conversion
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Workshops on solar energy at the extracurricular learning locations MUC-Labs.

Singapore AI for Science Initiative
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Joint AI for Science and Nobel Turing Challenge Conference.

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The Munich Clusters of Excellence will again be represented at FORSCHA 24 from 28 to 30 June with interesting talks, experiments and workshops. So mark your calendars!

Conference on Porous Materials in Energy Science
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The Conference on Porous Materials in Energy Science is an international meeting of experts from the field of porous materials and energy science.

Vacation workshops: Slip into the role of a researcher
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e-conversion offers exciting workshops during school holidays.

Day of Hope at Werksviertel Mitte in Munich
e-conversion presented itself at Day of Hope 2024.

Powering the Future – Start-Up Day
Experience Munich’s lively start‑up ecosystem firsthand. Join us to explore opportunities, challenges, and insights from our keynote speakers, start‑up consultants, and founders.

CSI 2024 – Cluster-Surface Interactions for Energy Applications
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CSI 2024 is the latest in a series of topical international conferences on cluster-surface interactions. It provides a platform for scientific exchange and discussions on experimental and theoretical results on different aspects of clusters on surfaces.

Winter Retreat 2024
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The event for PhD students offers workshops, poster sessions and lectures from industry representatives and e-conversion PIs.

Workshop “Advanced Spectroscopy for Energy Storage & Conversion”
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The aim of this workshop is to discuss new and exciting possibilities in energy conversion and storage research.

Linking Industry and e-conversion – Get in contact with energy technology companies!

e-conversion conference 2023
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We are looking forward to our e-conversion conference in Tutzing in October 2023!

Long Night of the Museums 2023
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Long Night of the Museums at the Museum Mineralogia Munich.

Efficient and selective electrocatalytic conversion of chemicals and fuels
by Prof. Song Jin, Francis J. DiSalvo Professor of Physical Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA.

Maus-Day 2023 – Munich’s Clusters of Excellence
At the Mouse Day 2023, children and young people can do exciting experiments, get lots of information about the clusters and take part in an exciting quiz with great prizes!

JUKI-Festival 2023 at the Werksviertel Mitte
Children & Youth Festival in Munich’s Werksviertel Mitte with FREE entrance.

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International Conference on Nonlinear Optics and Excitation Kinetics in Semiconductors

Covalent Organic Frameworks – A Molecular Way to Structural Control and Functional Development
Talk by Prof. Donglin Jiang, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore

How nonlinearities shape collective behavior
Talk by Prof. Dr. Katharina Krischer, Technical University of Munich

e-conversion at the Kunstareal-Fest 2023
Visit the e-conversion experimental booth at Kunstareal Festival in Munich on 16 July 2023

Exploiting collective electrostatic effects for the design of interfaces in organic electronics and in porous framework materials
Talk by Prof. Dr. Egbert Zojer, Graz University of Technology

12th International Conference on Quantum Dots
Join this Conference at the Galileo Science Congress Center, Garching near Munich

Electrochemistry at the atomic scale
Talk by Prof. Timo Jacob, Institute of Electrochemistry, Ulm University and, Helmholtz-Institute-Ulm (HIU)

Continuous time crystal in semiconductors: Robustness and melting
Talk by Dr. Alex Greilich, Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund

Materials and interfaces in electrochemical energy conversion: From understanding to control?
Talk by Prof. Jan Philipp Hofmann, Surface Science Laboratory, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Towards hot-carrier photovoltaics using heterostructure nanowires
Talk by Prof. Heiner Linke, NanoLund and Solid State Physics, Lund University, Sweden

Visualizing electron dynamics at interfaces using XUV light
talk by Prof. L. Robert Baker, The Ohio State University

IR spectroscopy of perovskites – carrier cooling, electron-phonon coupling, and charge trapping dynamics
talk by Dr. Artem Bakulin, Imperial College London

Nachhaltige fotochemische Energiekonversion mittels selbstorganisierter molekularer Ladungsträger
talk @FORSCHA by Prof. Fingerhut

Was haben Alterungsprozesse und Entzündungen in unserem Körper mit den Prinzipien der Energieumwandlung gemein?
talk @FORSCHA by Prof. Ivanovic-Burmazovic

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The Munich Clusters of Excellence will again be represented at FORSCHA 23 from 5 to 7 May with interesting talks, experiments and workshops. So mark your calendars!

The Day of Hope 2023
Everything about sustainability: hope for nature, environment & climate.

Photosystem I: Serendipity, Symmetry, and Speculation
Talk by Prof. Dr. Barry Bruce University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Talk of Dr. Piero Canepa, National University of Singapore
In silico Design and Optimization of Solid Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Batteries

e-conversion Seminar by Prof. Naomi S. Ginsberg
"Following and controlling formation and function of bottom-up assembled nanomaterials", from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Seminar Talk by Prof. Peter Nordlander
The first e-conversion seminar talk with small gathering after the seminar at the WSI.

Lecture by Prof. John Irvine from St. Andrews University
Join his talk in person or via ZOOM about "Materials at the Edge – Exsolution Chemistry Tuning Functionality"

e-conversion conference 2022
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We are looking forward to our e-conversion conference in Venice in October 2022! Keep your fingers crossed that it can actually take place on site...

Maus-Day - Munich´s Clusters of Excellence
At the Mouse Day 2022, children and young people can do exciting experiments, get lots of information about the clusters and take part in an exciting quiz with great prizes!

Talk Prof. Sossina Haile from Northwestern University
We are happy to welcome Sossina M. Haile, an outstanding Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University and one of the leading experts of energy conversion, here at e-conversion.

Seminar on Soft Optoelectronic Materials
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The meeting brings together experts discussing the frontiers of experimental and theoretical advances to characterize molecular, optoelectronic and energy materials.

Conference for young nanoscientists
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Want to listen and talk to two nanoscience Nobel laureates??? Then join the International Nanoscience Students Conference in Munich with talks, poster sessions, workshops, an opportunity fair,...

Lithionics – a personal love story
Prof. Jennifer Rupp cordially invites to her talk given in context with her promotion from Associate to Full Professor at TU Munich. You can join in life in person at TUM-IAS or virtual via Zoom.

Panel Discussion - Part 2
In climate policy and energy transition research, industry and politics have to work hand in hand to tackle the biggest problems. At this event, the three panelists will continue the discussion they started back in January and include the changed geopolitical framework.

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Visit our booth at the Munich science festival FORSCHA on 24-26 June 2022 and find hands-on experiments and information about the lastest energy research of our scientists.

Energy 22 - Holidays for the future
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Developing future scenarios and revising quite incidentally physics and chemistry knowledge? Possible during the Pentecost and summer holiday program for pupils in grades 8-10 organized by e-conversion and partners.

Symposium: Advancing Catalysis Science
The TUM Catalysis Research Center announces the Dr. Karl Wamsler Innovation Award Symposium on 25 May 2022 honoring the awardees Yang-Shao Horn (MIT) and Kyoko Nozaki (Univ. Tokyo).

Symposium: Data science powered high-throughput experimentation
This event with speakers from research and industry will be dealing with the autonomous discovery of new materials for catalysis and energy. It will take place online on 23 May 2022.

Kick-Off Meeting – Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship
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With this workshop on "Light-induced molecular transformation" Prof. Ib Chorkendorff from Denmark and his e-conversion colleagues present the progress of their joint research projects.

Workshop "Energy materials at work"
In this workshop, researchers will present recent advances in the development of emerging characterization techniques in the broader field of solar energy conversion.

Open days of the "Munich Extracurricular Learning Places"
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During this online and live event for teachers and anyone interested e-conversion and many more institutions will present their research and school programs.

Symposium “New directions in energy research”
In this online symposium organized by Prof. Achim Hartschuh, experts discuss how to analyze and optimize energy storage / conversion related materials and their photo- and electrochemical activities on the nanoscale.

Panel discussion: "Energy Knowledge Transfer"
What are the best ways to successfully transfer the knowledge of energy research to industry or the general public? Join our panel discussion and listen to the ideas of experts from science (e-conversion), industry (BMW) and politics (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).

Graduate Retreat 2021
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Our graduate students had to wait long enough... Now the student board happily announces their e-conversion winter retreat in November 2021 in Ettal.

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The Munich science festival offers experiments, workshops and discussion. And we are part of it: Come and visit the joint booth of e-conversion and the other Munich Clusters of Excellence!

Sustainable Energy Use in Mobility
Join the last talk of our Lecture Series "Energy of the Future" - this time with experts on eMobility and mobility research. Online and hopefully also on-site at the LMU Center for Advanced Studies (CAS).

For Girls only - TUM Explore Sommerprogramm
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In the summer break the TU München offers various STEM hands-on workshops exclusivly for girls. e-conversion organizes a two-day event on climate chance and renewable energies.

e-conversion at the Kunstareal-Fest 2021
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Finally a festival again! Visit the e-conversion experimental booth at the 5th Kunstareal Festival in Munich on 17 and 18 July 2021.

Third talk on "Energy of the Future"
The third digital lecture of this series is all about "Future Visions for a Sustainable Energy System". The event is organized by LMU and e-conversion.

KinderKulturSommer München
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Every summer, the Munich KiKS network (KinderKulturSommer) puts on a five-day children's culture festival. On Sunday e-conversion takes part with exciting experimental. Drop by!

Second talk on "Energy of the Future"
Are you interested in "The Potential of Sustainable Energy Production"? Then join the second talk of the Lectures Series "Energy of the Future" organised by LMU and e-conversion.

Graduate Program "KickOff 2021"
The newly elected student board invites to the virtual "KickOff 2021" meeting of the e-conversion Graduate Program.

Lecture series: Energy of the Future
This summer term e-conversion is partner of the Lectures Series "Energy of the Future" of the LMU Center for Advanced Studies. The first talk is on "Climate Change and Our Current Energy System".

Get to know the Munich student labs
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Munich offers a wide range of student labs and extracurricular learning places at museums, universities and research institutions as the e-conversion cluster. Join the virtual open day of the MUC-Lab Association and get to know them all!

Career Talk: Staying in Science
Two young professors of e-conversion, Barbara Lechner and Emiliano Cortes, will share their experience in academic careers and provide personal advice.

Workshop: "The Elevator Pitch"
Enhance your spontaneous presentation style! Together with Dr. Yvonne Zips, we will learn how to give a catchy and informative talk.

Career Talk: TNG Techology Consulting
Anneke Guhn (recruiting) and Dr. Michael Fischer (physicist) will talk about working at TNG and give insights into the application process for PhDs.

Data & Zoom
This new event series with short scientific talks is set up from students for students to get to know each other and facilitate the interdisciplinary and cooperative work.

11th International Conference on Quantum Dots
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This online conference invites experts to discuss fundamentals, materials and applications regarding quantum dots.

Data & Zoom
This new event series with short scientific talks is set up from students for students to get to know each other and facilitate the interdisciplinary and cooperative work.

Career Talk
Colloquium with Dr. Guido Heinen - Head of the Research Services of the German Bundestag

Workshop on Chemical and Energy Conversion at Interfaces
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In a workshop organized by two members of the Young Academy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, we will discuss recent results in the chemical and energy conversion at interfaces.

Graduate Program Kick-Off Meeting
The e-conversion Graduate Program is going to start with a Kick-Off meeting on December 6, 2019 at the Vorhoelzer Forum. The program allows the PhD students to build up a scientific and personal network and to join a wide range of activities.

TUM-IAS Focus Workshop: Hot Carrier Dynamics in Advanced Concept Solar Cells
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The aim of this two-day interactive workshop is to bring together leading international scientists working in the field of “Hot carrier dynamics in advanced concept solar cells”.

Cambridge-LMU Strategic Partnership Workshop
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With the goal to foster collaboration between the University of Cambridge and Munich, we are excited to invite you to the workshop "Emerging Hybrid 2D Materials: shaping opportunities from quantum engineering to energy applications."

e-conversion Conference Venice
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We are proud to announce the first international e-conversion conference to be held at Venice International University (VIU), San Servolo, Italy from September 9 – 13, 2019.
“New frontiers for wave manipulation using metamaterials”
Andrea Alù (CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, Photonics Initiative, New York, USA)
Walter Schottky Seminar, WSI, Garching

e-conversion @ Streetlife Festival
The "e-conversion-Forscherwerkstatt" will present energy related experiments for children at the StreetScience booth of TUM.

Tag der offenen Tür der LMU-Fakultät für Physik
The Cluster of Excellence e-conversion will be part of the "Tag der offenen Tür" of the LMU Faculty of Physics. On Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, the Faculty of Physics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München will open its doors.

Graduate Retreat 2021 - Live!