The International Nanoscience Students Conference (INASCON) is an annual conference organized by and for students. The conference started in 2007 in Silkeborg, Denmark, and was passed from year to year to students from different countries, until finally in 2019 it crossed the borders of Europe and took place in Beijing, China.
INASCON is a unique conference aiming to unite young nanoscientists in their Master studies and PhDs from around the world, allowing them to exchange ideas, form social and professional connections and gain active conference experience. The leading conference theme focuses on relevant interdisciplinary nanoscience topics and has hosted prominent speakers including two nobel prize winners. The schedule of the four-days conference includes talks of prominent researchers and students of different backgrounds and positions, as well as interactive workshops, poster sessions and social events to facilitate the exchange of ideas and create social connections already at an early stage of their career.
The 16th INASCON will take place in Munich, Germany, according to the motto “Nano Input – Macro Impact: Energy Materials for a Sustainable Future” from the 30th August – 2nd September 2022. The conference is financially supported by our cluster and four of eight students of the organizing team are members of the e-conversion graduate program. It will contain plenary talks, smaller sessions reflecting different research disciplines, two poster sessions including short flash talks, an opportunity fair and the offer to join social activities and dinners. (Source: INASCON)
- IBM Fellow Heike Riel
- Nobel laureate Stefan Hell
- Nobel laureate Klaus von Klitzing
SESSIONS focused on
- Photovoltaics & Optoelectronics
- Intelligent Storage Materials
- Photo- & Electrocatalysis
- Nano-Biophysics
Register and submit your poster abstract NOW!!! Deadline: 15.5.2022
Link for abstract submission and registration
Time: 30th August 2022 – 2nd September 2022
Place: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Institute for Informatics, LMU, Oettingenstr. 67, 80538 München