Picture: Jan Greune/LMU
Every year, the journal ACS Nano names three scientists who have made notable contributions to the nanosciences as Nano Award Lecture Laureates. This year’s awardees include e-conversion member Stefan Maier.
According to the citation published by the editors of ACS Nano, Stefan Maier, who holds the Chair of Hybrid Nanosystems at LMU and the Lee-Lucas Chair in Experimental Physics at Imperial College London, is not only “a world leader in understanding and applying plasmonics and dielectric nanophotonics in nanoscale systems”, but also an “insightful and engaging lecturer“. Maier’s laboratory is located in LMU’s new Nano-Institute, where he and the members of his research group explore the interactions between light and matter on scales at which quantum effects come directly into play. Using components such as minuscule antennas and other nanostructures, they seek ways to control and utilize optical, electrical, and mechanical phenomena to enhance the efficiency of energy conversion processes.
Maier and the other winners of the 2020 ACS Nano Award Lecture Laureates, Jillian Buriak of the University of Alberta in Edmonton and Lei Jiang, who is at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, will each give a special lecture at the European Materials Research Society’s Meeting, which takes place in May in Strasbourg.
ACS Nano is issued by the American Chemical Society and is one of the world’s leading journals in nanosciences and nanotechnology. The journal publishes original research reports that focus on chemical, biological, and physical aspects of the nanosciences. (Source: LMU)