The e-conversion Cluster of Excellence strongly focuses on technology transfer, establishing collaborations and interactions with industry contacts.

The Cluster offers a comprehensive network, with many PIs pursuing research projects with industrial partners. We foster collaborations through e-conversion Industry Days, where Cluster researchers and industry representatives share insights, discuss technological challenges, and inspire new research directions, while also providing opportunities for doctoral researchers to interact with industry leaders.

In addition, e-conversion supports its researchers in exploring entrepreneurship through mentoring and regular e-conversion Start-up Days that connect scientists, startup companies, and funding agencies, fostering a strong start-up community network. The Cluster emphasizes diversity in entrepreneurship by organizing meet-ups and workshops. Several startups, such as Qkera, Serino, Sypox, Quantum Diamonds, iNSyT and PHLAIR, have already emerged from the e-conversion ecosystem.

Materials for batteries Sensors H2 production Quantum sensing Microscopy CO2 capture