We want to draw your attention to this upcoming symposium:

Exploring New Horizons with Molecules on Surfaces.

Registration is NOT required!

📅 Date: 16-17  December 2024

đź“Ť Location: TUM Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Lichtenbergstr. 2a
Auditorium (ground floor) and Faculty Club (4th floor)


Monday, 16.12.2024

12.00 h Snacks, IAS ground floor

13.00 h Lifeng Chi, FUNSOM, Soochow University – “On-Surface Hydrocarbon Chemistry”

13.50 h Xinliang Feng, MPI of Microstructure Physics & TU Dresden – “Graphene Nanostructures 3.0: Quantum Phenomena & Properties”

14.40 h Pavel Jelinek, Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague – “Theoretical insight into the course of on-surface chemical reactions”

15.30 h Coffee break

16.00 h Daniel Ebeling, Justus Liebig University Giessen – “Constructing organic nanomaterials molecule by molecule and deciphering on-surface reaction processes via chemical bond imaging”

16.50 h Mathias Senge, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin Into the – “Frying Pan – Cool Molecules on Hot Surfaces”

17.40 h Ana Sanchez, Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague – “On-surface synthesis of a large-scale 2D MOF with competing Ď€-d ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic order”

18.10 h Contributed talks – Session I

19.15 h Dinner at Faculty Club

Tuesday, 17.12.2024

09.30 h Johanna Eichhorn, TUM NAT School – “Understanding nanoscale working interfaces for energy conversion”

10.10 h Willi Auwärter, TUM NAT School  – “On-Surface Synthesis of O-substituted Porphyrins and BN-Substituted Carbon Networks”

10.50 h Kelvin Anggara, MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart – “Analyzing structures of biomolecules at the single molecule level by direct imaging on surface”

11.40 h Andreas Walz, pureions GmbH, TUM NAT School

12.10 h Lunch buffet at Faculty Club

13.30 h Sebastian GĂĽnther,  TUM NAT School“On the thermodynamics and kinetics of graphene growth on Cu and the properties of the synthesized material”

14.10 h Markus Lackinger, Deutsches Museum – “Synthesis on Less Reactive to Inert Surfaces”

14.50 h Contributed talks – Session II

ca. 16.30 h Coffee and End of Symposium

Invited / Keynote Speakers

Lifeng Chi: chilf@suda.edu.cn
Xinliang Feng: xinliang.feng@tu-dresden.de
Pavel Jelinek: jelinekp@fzu.cz
Daniel Ebeling: daniel.ebeling@ap.physik.uni-giessen.de
Mathias Senge: Mathias.Senge@tcd.ie
Ana Sanchez:  sanchez@fzu.cz
Johanna Eichhorn: johanna.eichhorn@tum.de
Willi Auwärter: wau@tum.de
Kelvin Anggara: k.anggara@fkf.mpg.de
Andreas Walz: a.walz@pureions.de
Sebastian GĂĽnther: sebastian.guenther@tum.de
Markus Lackinger: markus.lackinger@tum.de