We are pleased to announce the new e-conversion Student Board! The team ensures the active representation of the e-conversion doctoral researcher. The Student Board suggests, discusses, and organizes events such as summer and winter retreats of all e-conversion postgraduate researchers. The theme of these retreats and further tutorials introducing selected methods or techniques is “from us, for us,” thereby providing a platform for topical hands-on training, grassroots exchange, and developing team spirit and organizational skills.

The new members are (see image from left to right):

  • Elisabeth Erber   (Liedl Group, LMU Chemistry)
  • Christian Wilhelm  (Ivanović-Burmazović Group, LMU Chemistry)
  • Duc Hien Nguyen   (Lotsch Group, MPI FKF / LMU Chemistry)
  • Pablo Vezzoni  (Spokesperson; Barth Group, TUM Physics)
  • Abhilash Ulhe  (Koblmüller-Group, TUM / WSI)

We are looking forward to a lively exchange, new workshops and retreats, and other exciting activities!