We wish you and your families a peaceful, relaxing Christmas season and a happy and healthy New Year!

We look forward to exciting new research highlights, successful collaborations, and lively discussions in the e-conversion cosmos. Mainly because we will submit the follow-up proposal for e-conversion 2.0 in 2024. The work on this is already in full swing, and we wish everyone involved every success in this important task.

With this Christmas picture and good wishes, we can all say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and we hope to see you again in 2024 with new strength and energy!

The e-conversion team

Following the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy, we will not be sending printed cards or gifts this year.

For those wondering what is behind this image – created by our media designer Vera Hiendl: It illustrates an abstract Christmas tree made of glowing perovskite nanocrystals surrounded by a ribbon of circularly polarized light. This work was inspired by the following publication: “Strong Polarization Dependent Nonlinear Excitation of a Perovskite Nanocrystal Monolayer on a Chiral Dielectric Nanoantenna Array” by Ilka Vinçon, Fedja J. Wendisch, Daniele De Gregorio, Stefanie D. Pritzl, Quinten A. Akkerman, Haoran Ren, Leonardo de S. Menezes, Stefan A. Maier, and Jochen Feldmann. ACS Photonics 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00159