Working like a “real scientist”

Logo TUM juniorIn 2020 the TU Munich launched the program TUMjunior in order to enhance the interest of high school students in STEM subjects. Within this framework our cluster welcomes 17 school classes (2nd year Gymnasium) in March and April 2022 to bring them closer to the details of energy conversion via photosynthesis. The TUMjunior program was developed according to the Bavarian learning plan. For the concept subject teachers worked closly together with representatives of the multiplex extracurricular school labs, including e-conversion.  During the excursion, the students get to know the fundamental principles of scientific work in the form of research-based learning and incentives of self-determined and interest-based learning motivation. More:

At e-conversion, the high school students experiment with water plants and explore the ideal requirements for the photosynthesis process. For this, they get a special lab book to document their research results to draw their conclusions – just like a “real scientist”. For some impressions see pictures on top.

Prof. Dario Leister

Video: Fact about photosynthesis

In the context of its TUMjunior experiments, e-conversion made the following short movie, in which our member Prof. Dario Leister of the LMU Biology Department answers questions concerning photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis.

Link Film: